A website is a visual collection of information displayed on a web browser.
This information of products and/or services is arranged on numerous pages with supporting images and/or photographs.The Website is hosted on a server with internet access and is accessed with a URL.
Websites are accessed using a web browser like: Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer (and many more). These are programs on PC’s, mobile devices etc. can connect to the internet and access websites by using the web address.
The structure of the web address
The prefix of www. = World Wide Web. Majority of the time people don’t verbalise the www before stating their website, since is common knowledge and some websites are registered without the prefix.
The domain name generally has the same name as the business.
The suffix could be anything from .com .net and can even be .xyz. These suffixes can be regional for example: za is South Africa, au is Australia and so on. .com was ‘known’ as an international suffix. The strange ones like .xyz is newer and is thought to be reserved for IT businesses.
Nowadays the suffix can be .photography or .online (online store) these more descriptive suffixes are used to help the visitor understand the core function or the company. These will more than likely become the norm.
When securing a domain, be sure to check the price of the suffix. In SA the .za is generally free, and you only need to pay for the registration of the domain. The price of .com and so on can change from suffix to suffix the descriptive ones can be somewhere between of R100-R800 this will be an initial charge and annually thereafter.
Please note the .org is generally reserved for charities and non-profits.
Terminology used in this article:
Web Browser: These are applications on your computer used to access the internet. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, FireFox, safari and many more.
URL: Just as buildings and houses have a street address, webpages also have unique addresses to help people locate them. On the Internet, these addresses are called URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).
Domain: A domain name is a human-friendly address, sometimes called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or web address. It was created to make IP, or Internet Protocol, addresses more accessible and easier to remember.
Prefix: in this case is www.: world wide web. A prefix is any word, letter or number placed before another word, letter or number
Suffix: in this case is .com Suffix is any word, letter or number placed after word, letter or number.